Although Larry David, creator of Seinfeld, swore he would never do it, it is going to happen: a reunion. On this season of David's biographical-like show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, the four cast members (Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, and Julia Louis-Dreyfuss) of the popular NBC show will reunite in the episode within the episode.
Seinfeld ran 1989 to 1998 in a staggering 9 season run. The show was popular for several reasons. The first reason was that it was episodic. Skipping around from season to season would not effect your understanding of the characters or the show. It also required no thinking to watch. Afterall, it was the "show about nothing". Seinfeld also pushed the envelope in some of its episodes, such as "The Contest", which was solely about masturbation. And lastly, the audience wasn't required to invest emotionally in the characters. The characters are selfish and morally deprived, but still fun to watch. The show never takes itself seriously. One episode centers around Jerry trying to get soup from a Soup Nazi ("No soup for you!"). The episodes usually had elements in it that everyone could relate to. For instance, one episode is about waiting in line at a Chinese restaurant, another is about getting lost in a parking garage.
And while the episodes are always very straightforward, some are just downright quirky, such as the episode where Jerry has to go on a talk show in a "puffy shirt". Another is about Jerry making a "pony remark" to his great aunt, and possibly causing her death by saying he hated anyone who owned a pony.
Although the last one mentioned might sound a little morbid, the show plays it off with humor (with success, I might add). The show takes on supposedly sensitive topics such as deformity (lady with the goiter, the Pig Man), open heart surgery (the Junior Mint) and even Susan's death.
I have great memories of staying up late (well...9 pm) and watching the newest Seinfeld episode with my mother. It was the one adult-ish show I was allowed to watch when I was little. I've seen every episode several times and I have a lot of the dialogue memorized. Seinfeld is episodic and pointless. But hilarious. It kind of taps into the monotony of life while still breathing life into the mundane activities the characters go through.
So...being a fan of the show, how do I feel about the reunion? I can't say that I'll watch it when it airs. I might catch it later on Hulu or the clip on YouTube. I have to say this: they'd better not mess it up.
So, how do you feel about reunions a decade after the fact? The Spice Girls? The Backstreet Boys (who I've heard are releasing a new album)? And now Seinfeld? Do you think it's a way for the fans of the old show to reminisce or is it just a way to cash in on some moolah?
Also, I don't know if there are any other Seinfeld fans out there. If so, tell me about your favorite part of the show and why you liked it. One of my favorite moment is the episode where Jerry puts a Tweety Pez dispenser on Elaine's leg, which makes her laugh, which in turn ruins a very regal and elegant piano recital. A few years ago, I got a Tweety Pez dispenser and did this to my mom at a concert. She lost it completely and couldn't stop laughing.
I'm glad to know that being a Seinfeld fan is not totally age-related. My husband and I watch this show every night in between the news and weather. I can think of a Seinfeld quote for almost any situation and often find myself biting my tongue because it gets a little annoying, I would think.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, even in my blot this week, I held back from writing "Look to the cookie, Elaine," because I just wasn't sure everyone would get it!
I am probably one of the only people that can honestly say this, but I have never seen a full episode of Senfeld. The things that you, and everyone else I talk to, find hilarious just don’t do it for me. Having said that, I would now like to say that I think any reunion is a bad idea. I have only watched a couple of reunions for favorites shows from when I was little, but all of them have left me with the same feeling. What is that feeling? Relief that the show is no longer on air, because the characters are old and not funny anymore!! Some things are better left to the viewer's memory….
ReplyDeleteI like Seinfeld. It's a great show. I'm not as avid a fan as you seem to be, but I really get a kick out of watching it. When I think about it though, why do I like it? It really is a pointless type of show and it could be argued that Seinfeld is a waste of time when you could be doing something constructive. But there price on having some humor in your life and feeling happy? I don't think so.